Dina El Kaisy Friemuth

Dina El Kaisy Friemuth‘s critical and collective artistic practice unpacks the complexity of collectivity and belonging. Her work revolves around creating environments which center voices from the global South as well as decolonial and institutional critique. Her practice is often created in collaboration with other cultural workers and involves curating, teaching, writing and visual arts. She is a co-founder of the artist collectives FCNN (Feminist Collective with No Name) and D.N.A. together with Anita Beikour and Neda Sanai. For more information see www.fcnnnew.love and www.hydrocapsules.love.

Juxtapositions. Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Production is a public lecture series hosted by Prof. Lukas Feireiss for Studium Generale at Berlin University of the Arts since 2021.